Monday, May 30, 2011

To Do List: Thrifted 3 tiered stand

I am always on the look out for fun things at yard sales and thrift stores to re-purpose. This is brilliant idea, and I will keep my eyes peeled for the materials to make this!

3-tiered Stand from The Crafting Chicks

Saturday, May 28, 2011

To Do List: Polaroid Magnets

I absolutely have to make these! There is nothing that I can say that will expand on the actual page, so I'm just going to post the link. When I actually make them, I'll post pictures. Enjoy!

Tiny Polaroid Magnets

Monday, May 23, 2011

Bringing some new life into the house (and yard!)

I got quite a few new plants to add to the house and I re-potted them all in cute pots. Aren't they cute?

I also got 9 stems of salvia (not the drug kind, but the sage kind) hoping to attract some hummingbirds and 2 Ice Plants (because they cascade and flower) to hang outside. They are both perennials and both like full sun, which they're going to get. I'm very excited about the new additions.

Colorful Deliciousness a.k.a. Rainbow Hashbrowns (Photo Heavy)

So, I'm trying to get more vegetables in our diets. There are quite a few that my husband doesn't like/won't eat, so I'm trying to be creative. I've been looking through many vegetarian cookbooks lately and I found this recipe. I don't remember what cookbook it was in, and I've changed the recipe a bit, so I'll list it here.

The thing I love about this recipe is that it contains 5 vegetables that my husband doesn't like and a couple that he doesn't care for! It's a great way to get him to eat a variety of veggies without forcing food he hates down his throat. This meal is a little time-consuming on the prep part, but so worth it. So so worth it. I loved every bite and I cannot wait to make it again. I loved photographing all the colors so I took a picture of almost every step, which is really unnecessary, but fun.

This is a really simple recipe. You take a bunch of vegetables (I used potatoes, squash, zucchini, peppers, red onions, and carrots), shred them, squeeze the water out of them and then fry them in a skillet with canola or olive oil, just like you would shredded hash browns. Then eat with lots of ketchup! Yum!

I think a way to improve this recipe would be to par-boil the veggies first and drain/press really well. For the harder veggies to cook, the softer veggies have to reach a point of mushiness, which is no fun. In the future, I'll parboil the veggies, dry them, and spread them on a baking sheet to freeze and keep a bag in the freezer for mornings.